Inserting variables and monitoring values

Neuron Power Engineer provides the following possibility to insert the requested variables into the Values of Variables view in order to monitor the current values for the variables on the →PLC:

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) The Values of Variables view provides the following comfort features and restriction:

  • It is possible to move already inserted variables to another position within the list: Select the variables and move them to the requested position, while pressing and holding the primary mouse button. Moving is only possible within the same resource.

  • The Values of Variables view remembers which variables are inserted – even if you have exited and restartedNeuron Power Engineer or if you have closed and re-opened a project. That means: After these actions, you do not have to insert the variables again in the view in order to see the values of the variables. Moreover, it is possible to save the list of variables already inserted in the view into a file. Afterwards you are able to load the variables from this file.

(grey lightbulb)Neuron Power Engineer provides the possibility to monitor the values within the ST-code or the FBD-logic as well.

From the "Instances" view

  1. In the Instances view, select the variables that you want to insert.

    Displayed array elements

    The display for an array variable in the Instances view is restricted to the base type. If you wish to insert array elements into the Values of Variables view in order to monitor its values, but these array elements are not provided in the Instance view, just drag the base type into the Values of Variables view and modify the inserted item (complete it by the requested array index).

    Display for a variable with nesting/recursion due to "REF_TO"

    The display for a variable with a nesting/recursion due to REF_TO in the Instances view is restricted to 50 levels. If you insert such a variable into the Values of Variables view, these displayed sub-elements will be inserted.

    Variables based on interfaces

    It is not possible to insert variables based on an →interface from the Instances view into the Values of Variables.

  2. Open the context menu for the variables and select Add Variable to Values of Variables to insert the variables at the end of the list. Alternative 1: Press Ctrl+Shift+I ("I" is for "inspect"). Alternative 2: Drag the variables from the Instances view onto the requested position of the list, while pressing and holding the primary mouse button.
    Result: The variables are inserted in the corresponding position within the Values of Variables view (incl. the hierarchical levels and the instance path).
    To speed the inserting up: Select one or more instances of an function block () in the Instances view and press Ctrl+Shift+I in order to insert all variables of these instances.

  3. If any array variables have been inserted in the view, complete the appropriate items by the requested array index. Proceed as described under "Replacing already inserted variables".

  4. If the view does not show the current values for the variables: Load the application onto the PLC and start the execution of the application on the PLC.

From the "Object Browser" view

  1. Use the Object Browser view to search for the variables.

  2. In the lower list of the object browser, select the variables that you want to insert.

  3. Drag the variables from the lower list of the object browser onto the requested position of the list, while pressing and holding the primary mouse button.
    Result: The variables are inserted in the corresponding position within the Values of Variables view (incl. the hierarchical levels and the instance path).

  4. If any array variables have been inserted in the view, complete the appropriate items by the requested array index. Proceed as described under "Replacing already inserted variables".

  5. If the view does not show the current values for the variables: Load the application onto the PLC and start the execution of the application on the PLC.

Variables based on interfaces

It is possible to insert variables based on an →interface from the object browser into the Values of Variables. Subsequently, no values are displayed for these variables.